Monday, 24 June 2013

What is Wensdi? - Monday!

I haven't had time to draw the past few weeks, the lack of time is rather sad indeed! I do however have an old piece that I've tried to share with everyone before but I didn't have a very good camera so I never had a very good visual of it. However, now I have a new camera and a nice visual to show the work. 

I love the concept of this piece, but I can see A LOT of room for improvement and I would like to experiment more with this style of creation to see what I could come up with now. This piece is like 2 years old I feel I have vastly improved since then. 

Sunday, 9 June 2013

What is Wensdi - Sunday

So this piece is taking me for-bloody-ever to do! It is so big, I don't know why I started it! I'm starting to become very sick of it, very quickly. Here' look at the progress. IT'S TAKING FOREVER!!!