Friday, 25 January 2013

What is Wensdi? - Friday

As some of you may know I got two of my illustrations into the Harris Museum Open Exhibition, everyone should go to visit it, not just to stare in awe at my stunning handiwork, but also to see all the other artwork up on display there are some really impressive pieces. 

So, here's some photos of me marveling at my awesomosity, yeah you read me right, awesomosity!

For some reason my tongue really wanted to get in between my teeth and be in the picture, I couldn't stop it and so there it is, say hello to it, I think it feels lonely.

Some more photo's of just the Illustration pieces... I like stating the obvious.

There you go, I would like the thank the fabulous Chanty for taking these photo's for me, you should all check out her blog at it's rather brilliant. 

If you want more info on the exhibition you can find out more here



  1. So proud of you my sticky potato friend <3

  2. Hahaha, I have some more cassandra videos, I'm going to make her, her own youtube this weekend.


Go for it!