Wednesday, 30 January 2013

What is Wensdi? - Wednesday... oh are you going to post?

Yeah so I've neglected the blog for a while, but its only because I've been drawing lots and lots and lots, promise!!! 

So, what have you all been up to? I'm currently having a huge brain splat about life and the meaning of it. It's very distracting and panic inducing. I blame the giant bee in my dream that attacked me until I screamed myself awake this morning. Do any of you have annoying reoccurring dreams that do your head in?

I had an interview today, a journalism student who is working on a group project to make a newspaper, decided he wanted to write about the Harris Museum Open Exhibition, so I was contacted and interviewed.
As much as I am a complete attention whore, I really can't talk very well in front of camera's especially when I'm being told to look off to the left,  - No I want to look you in the eye when I talk!!! Anyway, there was a lot of giggling on my part, poor guy he was very patient with me. I just hope he gets something decent out of it. I thought he would be interviewing several Artists, but it turns out it was just little old me in the end perhaps I should have been more serious? Nah I'm me and me is slightly giggly, giddy and silly.

It also turns out that the two pieces I have up in the gallery have been reserved, so someone is interested, let's hope they're interested enough to pay! That would be the absolute icing on the cake with custard, ice cream and chocolate sprinkles!

That's all your getting today folks, I can't wait to show you all the stuff I've been working on.. well yeah I can wait, because I am waiting but yeah!


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