Friday, 6 September 2013

What is Wensdi? - Friday, work in progress continued!

Today started off in a not so pleasant way. Having only been up five minutes, not even had my first coffee of the day, I read an email that got me so angry and annoyed. I had a little bit of a huge tantrum.

I sat sulking for about ten minutes, drank my coffee and looked over at this piece of artwork and my tantrum subsided. I'm so excited to see this piece done that I'm not going to let any silly people distract me.

And so, I've been working on this for the last few hours, I stopped because me legs went numb from sitting in the same position without moving for so long. I used the opportunity to update the work in progress. 

 Look at how pretty she is starting to look!


  1. This girl is so sexy, even if she does have a frog in her mouth

  2. I'm glad you think so! There are going to be more frogs in the drawing. I hope its able to stay sexy.


Go for it!