Monday, 21 January 2013

What is Wensdi? - Monday Moooooonday

Sooooooooooo, I have been a rubbish blogger, I hardly did anything on here last week, but that's only because I've been uber busy procrastinating. Anyway, I have actually been drawing I've become increasingly obsessed with drawing round women in garish patterns, basically if these clothes existed I WOULD wear them.

 I think blue girlie here is my favourite I would love her hair and whole outfit! Yeah I have taste and style...



  1. I love these tubby girlies soooo much!! I can't imagine how awesome they'd look as little sculptures or russian dolls

    1. You should see the girlie's I've been working on today they're rather sweet. I'd love it if any of these could be made into dolls or something, I'd cover every shelf and surface in my house with them.


Go for it!