Monday, 25 March 2013

What is Wensdi? - Monday, by Jove she actually came back like she said she would!

As promised I have returnethed... AND WITH CATS IN JUMPERS!!!

Well Cat in Jumper, I'm not going to over load you with these, they are a delicacy that need to be enjoyed in the right way!

Oh my, indeed! Is this not the most amazing sight to behold?

This is just a sketch from my sketchbook, I have aspirations to fill the whole of this A6 sketchbook with cats in jumpers. 

Why, I hear you ask? Because I can, because I bloody well want to and WHO DOESN'T LOVE A CAT IN A JUMPER?

You see, I love cats, but I am allergic to them, and this is one of the saddest things to ever happen to a human born to the planet earth, trust me! So to vent my frustrations I sit and draw cats in jumpers and only occasionally watch videos on youtube.

Ha! So Yeah come back for more cats in jumpers and other doodles and witterings.



  1. Please, not only fill an A6 sketchbook with cats in jumpers, but fill the whole world with cats in jumpers, and women in cat jumpers with cats with jumpers on

  2. Ha ha ha, It's like you have read my mind. One day, one day soon this will be a reality


Go for it!