Monday, 29 July 2013

What is Wensdi? - Monday, I got a piece done today in 2 hours!

Yeah it's a lot more basic and doesn't have nearly half the detail that I add to my work, but I like it a lot. I really enjoy drawing stockings.

:D Just wish I had an A3 scanner now so I could get a really good digital copy of all my lovely works.

Friday, 26 July 2013

What is Wensdi? - Friday, and another piece is finished! :O

Can you believe it? Another piece finished, it's like when you're inspired you get stuff done... 

So what do ya'll think? Come on share your thoughts :D 


Monday, 22 July 2013

What is Wensdi? - Monday finished piece :D Please share :D

Ha! Proper chuffed with myself got it finished by 6pm! Doesn't she look lovely?As with anything, it looks even better in real life! I do however think that there is something missing from the bottom, something dark that would help the orchids pop. I don't know what I could put there to change that just now, and since I usually ruin my work by over doing it and not knowing when to stop. I'm forcing myself to leave it be, because it is rather lovely as it is.

What is Wensdi? - Monday! Work in progress continuation!

It's starting to shape up nicely don't you think? :D

I will be spending the rest of the day finishing her off, I have challenged myself to be finished before 6 tonight, so I guess I better crack on! 

Thursday, 18 July 2013

What is Wensdi? - Thursday! Work in progress!!

As you can imagine, I got sick and tired of the piece of work I previously showed in progress. This doesn't mean it will remain unfinished, but until I can summon the strength to complete it, I am going to work on other pieces instead.

Pieces such as this beauty! I am especially excited by her as I have been working on this face shape and style in my sketchbooks and have developed it and this is the first piece I have started with this look to it. I can't wait to finish her I reckon I could be done by tomorrow afternoon! I'll take more in work in progress pics so you can all revel in its development.

Isn't she beautiful?