Saturday, 21 September 2013

What is Wensdi? - Saturday - Do I expect too much?

Currently I'm listening to Jefferson Airplane's "Surrealistic Pillow" album, I know I have a friend out there who will call me a hippy, whatever this album is awesome and makes for good background music when I'm working. I'm sure there is something to be said about listening to hippy music and drawing sexy women, but I don't care enough to expand upon it. If anyone out there would like to, then please educate me :).

Today, I have another "pin up" from my sketchbook. Are these girlies pin ups? I think yesterdays one could definitely be classed as a pin up, today's maybe slightly less so, what do you think?

This one was done in a different sketchbook, I think the paper is even more disappointing for pencil work than the paper in the other sketchbook! It's great for ink work as the paper doesn't bleed, which suggests to me the makers of the sketchbook intended it more for note taking and writing. Lesson learned, just because a book has blank pages and looks sexy, all leather bound and shiny, does not mean it will have paper good enough to draw on.

The quality of these picture makes the artwork look a little rough, don't get me wrong they are rough as they're just doodles from my sketchbook, but they're a lot smoother in real life than what these pictures show. Her face is also prettier, for some reason the camera struggles to pick up the details on the faces. When I get a really fancy scanner I'll scan them, that should hopefully show the detail better.

I've yet to receive any offers of a moleskine sketchbook, I'll keep waiting, as I believe it will happen soon. Or is that me having too much expectation again? Naaaaah.

I really enjoy drawing lingerie and clothing, specifically clingy, body fitting clothing. I'm hoping if I draw enough sexy and pretty stuff a lovely lingerie company will come along and snap me up to work in their design department. I think I have just realised what it is I want to do for a living. For a little while at least, ha!


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