Sunday, 22 September 2013

What is Wensdi? - Sunday, the cat returns.

Remember when I used to draw cats in jumpers, almost obsessively? As much as I enjoyed doing that, I must say drawing girlies in barely any clothing or their underwear is much more enjoyable for me! 

But what if I combined the two? And had a sexy girl in a jumper with a cat in a jumper on it? A friend of mine seemed skeptical that I could make cats in jumpers sexy.

Well Mister, take a look at this sexy puss! 

When I started this drawing to prove my Mr. Friend wrong, I started to think perhaps I'd set myself a more difficult task than I had realised. However, looking at this final piece I'm going to give myself a big pat on the back, she's hot!

I think she may be my favorite girlie yet! I really want the bra and knickers! She reminds me a lot of my friend over at That might be because I miss her, or because she has similar hair and is channeling the same level of Hot as the gorgeous Miss Chanty.

I did this illustration on cartridge paper, and found it much easier to do the smooth shading on it. I can really see the difference. It probably also helped that I did her on a bigger piece of paper rather than in an A5 sketchbook, so the details actually shows up on the camera. 

I am very excited to do the next girlie, anyone got any challenges for me? Please feel free to suggest something.


Saturday, 21 September 2013

What is Wensdi? - Saturday - Do I expect too much?

Currently I'm listening to Jefferson Airplane's "Surrealistic Pillow" album, I know I have a friend out there who will call me a hippy, whatever this album is awesome and makes for good background music when I'm working. I'm sure there is something to be said about listening to hippy music and drawing sexy women, but I don't care enough to expand upon it. If anyone out there would like to, then please educate me :).

Today, I have another "pin up" from my sketchbook. Are these girlies pin ups? I think yesterdays one could definitely be classed as a pin up, today's maybe slightly less so, what do you think?

This one was done in a different sketchbook, I think the paper is even more disappointing for pencil work than the paper in the other sketchbook! It's great for ink work as the paper doesn't bleed, which suggests to me the makers of the sketchbook intended it more for note taking and writing. Lesson learned, just because a book has blank pages and looks sexy, all leather bound and shiny, does not mean it will have paper good enough to draw on.

The quality of these picture makes the artwork look a little rough, don't get me wrong they are rough as they're just doodles from my sketchbook, but they're a lot smoother in real life than what these pictures show. Her face is also prettier, for some reason the camera struggles to pick up the details on the faces. When I get a really fancy scanner I'll scan them, that should hopefully show the detail better.

I've yet to receive any offers of a moleskine sketchbook, I'll keep waiting, as I believe it will happen soon. Or is that me having too much expectation again? Naaaaah.

I really enjoy drawing lingerie and clothing, specifically clingy, body fitting clothing. I'm hoping if I draw enough sexy and pretty stuff a lovely lingerie company will come along and snap me up to work in their design department. I think I have just realised what it is I want to do for a living. For a little while at least, ha!


Friday, 20 September 2013

What is Wensdi? -Friday, I am alive... Just. :D

I was on such a good roll with work and making frequent posts. I was enjoying the artwork I was working on, I was actually finding work to do and applying for jobs. Things were going great. Then I end up in hospital ill! 

I got out of hospital a little over a week ago and today has been the first day where I've started to feel like me again! Yay, and to celebrate I did a pretty little "pin up" style girlie. I think she is very pretty, Mr Wensdi says she looks slightly alien, this seems to happen a a lot when I draw women, they end up looking alienesque or oriental. I put it down to me being a head of the times... 

Anyway, I would really love to finish the A2 frog piece, which I have Titled - "Anura", I know not the most imaginative name but I like it. Yes, so I would love to finish her but currently I'm still a little tender and can't physically get into the position to work on her. 

That makes me sound odd doesn't it? Like, what possible position do I work in that I can't get into it now to finish it? I guess I could explain, but it makes me sound less mysterious than if I just left it to your imaginations, ha! I work on a huge A1 board and rest the board against a chair and my belly... Currently I can't put any pressure on my belly without being in pain and so cannot work on the piece. :(

I can't wait to finish her though and I look forward to the day I can get back to work on her! Until then you will all have to enjoy the little pretty girlie's I'll be working on in the meantime!

I don't know if it's because I'm in a much better mood today or because I'm listening to Adam and the Ants, but this came out so quick and easily. I think I'll put it down a little bit to both good mood and Mr Adam Ant.

I have learned today that I am currently working in a really crappy sketchbook that doesn't work well with shading or ink. Next time I will work on cartridge paper or a nicer sketchbook. I would love a moleskine sketchbook, but they are so expensive! I think given the month I've had a deserve a nice pretty book to work in, so I may have to treat myself, unless I have any loving and adoring fans out there who would life to buy me one? I could sweeten the deal and let you have the sketchbook after I've filled it! That's a hell of a deal I think! :D


Saturday, 7 September 2013

What is Wensdi? - Saturday. My gosh four days in a row, something has changed.

I think its because I'm really enjoying this piece and I like seeing it progress. I imagine other people would have an interest in seeing the process too.

Also stopping and taking pictures gives me a chance to see what needs changing so I can go a head an fix it before I commit too much ink and time to it. 

For example, I have changed the hand but now I have noticed that the fingers on the hands need to be slightly more slender, and the neck needs to be changed as its not in the correct place.

So in the next update I probably would have made these changes.

I'm already starting to get a little bit crazy from doing all the hair detail. There is still so much to do! It's going to look soooo good!

Friday, 6 September 2013

What is Wensdi? - Friday, work in progress continued!

Today started off in a not so pleasant way. Having only been up five minutes, not even had my first coffee of the day, I read an email that got me so angry and annoyed. I had a little bit of a huge tantrum.

I sat sulking for about ten minutes, drank my coffee and looked over at this piece of artwork and my tantrum subsided. I'm so excited to see this piece done that I'm not going to let any silly people distract me.

And so, I've been working on this for the last few hours, I stopped because me legs went numb from sitting in the same position without moving for so long. I used the opportunity to update the work in progress. 

 Look at how pretty she is starting to look!

Thursday, 5 September 2013

What is Wensdi? - Thursday Work in progress continued.

Ah some more pencil detail added to the work. Who guessed there would be a frog in the mouth? I'm really enjoying this piece at the moment and cant wait to get to the chest area where this lovely lady has a collection of frogs and lily pad flowers adorning her lovely little body.
I have a friend who loves my artwork, I'm not too sure she will love this, as she has a bit of a fear of frogs. 

What is Wensdi? - Thursday, A work in progress.

Currently working on an A2 drawing, can you see where it's going? I'm currently "umming" and "ahhing" over whether to put flowers in or not.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

What is Wensdi? - Wednesday :D

I went to Blackpool the other day and happened across one of the most interesting exhibitions I've been to in a long time.

The Grundy Art Gallery is currently exhibiting the work of Zoe Beloffand her show 
Dreamland - The Coney Island Amateur Psychoanalytic Society and the 
Blackpool Chapter.

Below is the more information on the show and its display time.


I really feel like I could have spent all day here reading and looking at all the things in this exhibition. It has made me feel confused and left me longing to try and understand if this is real or all made up by the artist. I will be going back to try and get my head around it all again sometime soon. I like the look of the Symposium:"Freud in Blackpool" on the 2nd of November and will most likely go to that to get more answers!

I'm really not an art critic, I'm very much a kind of 'does it look pretty' art appreciator. However, I can very much appreciate something like this that has me thinking about it days later. Something that evokes thoughts of 'WTF have I just looked at' without me dismissing it as a load of rubbish.

This show did that to me. I have a bucket load of pictures I would love to share, but to be honest I think everyone should go and see for themselves. I have chosen a select few that I want to write about because they stood out to me and my psyche.

I love the idea of a Freudian dreamland funfair. Below is a picture of the artists 3D 
representation of the park "based" on Albert Grass's sketches.

I would love to go into the libido part of the park, however it would feel strange to do so considering I'd be entering a place between the crotch of a prepubescent girl. Also in the back you can see a creepy green baby, I wouldn't want to go into that part of the park.

Some of my favorite things in this show were the videos which were recreations of dreams that the group members of  the Amateur Psychoanalytic Society made. Some were really sad, some had me in hysterics, others had me questioning why I was inflicting this kind of confusion 
on myself!

Below are pictures from two different films, the first two are from a video that had me really intrigued. You will find throughout this that I am bit obsessed with the sex side of this exhibition, like I said its the bits that stood out to my psyche and my psyche likes sex. I think in this video the person had a dream that explored sexuality, questioning and exploring their potential bisexual nature, the video was really very interesting to watch.

This picture from another video had me in hysterics, I wasn't actually able to pay attention to the whole thing as there were several films playing on multiple screens and I kept getting distracted between them all, but the screen shot below piqued my interested as, I don't know if you are all aware of this, but I am a little bit obsessed with hair.

The idea that the person is worried that the fairer sex might be repelled by his body hair made me laugh so much, I can't imagine ever being repelled by a person, man or woman with body hair. It is something, however, that I am starting to explore within my own work why some hair is attractive and other hair isn't.

I didn't appreciate the deck chairs, I decided the floor would be a more comfortable platform to view the films. 

Below is meant to be a visual concept of the ego, super - ego and ID. I don't know much about the theories of Freud and so I think this was lost on me, I like how it made me look though. Even when I'm super squat and wide I'm a sexy bitch, oh yeah. I wonder what Freud would make of that.

Another part of the exhibition was a series of illustrations of dreams. Obviously they contained a lot of sexual references and obviously they're going to be the ones I choose to show.

I really liked the first one below, the woman saying "come play with me" is me on most days when I have to do work that I don't want to do, and I so often and easily get lost in day dreams and allow myself to get distracted with play.

The series of illustrations are not what I would usually appreciate but I think they work in the context of these dream illustrations, to have anything more ornate or graceful wouldn't look right, these are not dreams of fantasy they are moments of horrifying embarrassment, shame, humiliation, confusion and impotence. 

Well that's what I got from it anyway. I recommend this exhibition, I'm sure many will have a completely different experience to me but I thought I'd share my conclusions and feelings on it.