Wednesday, 30 January 2013

What is Wensdi? - Wednesday... oh are you going to post?

Yeah so I've neglected the blog for a while, but its only because I've been drawing lots and lots and lots, promise!!! 

So, what have you all been up to? I'm currently having a huge brain splat about life and the meaning of it. It's very distracting and panic inducing. I blame the giant bee in my dream that attacked me until I screamed myself awake this morning. Do any of you have annoying reoccurring dreams that do your head in?

I had an interview today, a journalism student who is working on a group project to make a newspaper, decided he wanted to write about the Harris Museum Open Exhibition, so I was contacted and interviewed.
As much as I am a complete attention whore, I really can't talk very well in front of camera's especially when I'm being told to look off to the left,  - No I want to look you in the eye when I talk!!! Anyway, there was a lot of giggling on my part, poor guy he was very patient with me. I just hope he gets something decent out of it. I thought he would be interviewing several Artists, but it turns out it was just little old me in the end perhaps I should have been more serious? Nah I'm me and me is slightly giggly, giddy and silly.

It also turns out that the two pieces I have up in the gallery have been reserved, so someone is interested, let's hope they're interested enough to pay! That would be the absolute icing on the cake with custard, ice cream and chocolate sprinkles!

That's all your getting today folks, I can't wait to show you all the stuff I've been working on.. well yeah I can wait, because I am waiting but yeah!


Saturday, 26 January 2013

What is Wensdi? - Saturday, the return!

So I was mean't to come and upload all of the fantastic drawings I had done today while playing out with Andrew, the fact of the matter is NO ONE draws when out playing, so in my desperate attempt to rectify the situation I started looking through all my old stuff I found evidence of all the awful things I did to Snow White and Belle when I was a sexually frustrated first year at uni.

I warn you all now it's not pleasant, not because of the questionable content, but because of how AWFUL these drawings are!! I'm going to share them with you all, so you too can be horrified by the awfulness of them.

The other reason I have decided to show you is because for Christmas I did an illustration of a sexy ass Belle for my brother, and I must say my drawing has improved significantly!! Now I can only show you a photo my brother took of the illustration as I didn't take one because I'm an idiot.
And yes I'm aware the picture isn't in the frame properly, I'm sure he fixed that after...But look at that ass, its like a bajillion times batter that what I was doing 7 years ago.

Anyway, Enjoy.

What is Wensdi? - Its a Saturday.

Welly, welly, welly, well I have not yet got anything to show you all today however I will be taking a trip out with the fantabulous Andrew @  to do some drawing, I will come home and show you all immediately! Then I will bake cakes. Until then here is a photo of the peep board I designed for the Preston Guild Festival a few months back.


Friday, 25 January 2013

What is Wensdi? - Friday

As some of you may know I got two of my illustrations into the Harris Museum Open Exhibition, everyone should go to visit it, not just to stare in awe at my stunning handiwork, but also to see all the other artwork up on display there are some really impressive pieces. 

So, here's some photos of me marveling at my awesomosity, yeah you read me right, awesomosity!

For some reason my tongue really wanted to get in between my teeth and be in the picture, I couldn't stop it and so there it is, say hello to it, I think it feels lonely.

Some more photo's of just the Illustration pieces... I like stating the obvious.

There you go, I would like the thank the fabulous Chanty for taking these photo's for me, you should all check out her blog at it's rather brilliant. 

If you want more info on the exhibition you can find out more here


Wednesday, 23 January 2013

What is Wensdi? - Wednesdays

Oh deary me, I don't have a lot of time today, I feel like the White rabbit rushing round left, right and centre, I haven't even got much to show, I need to do another sketchbook and doodle cull. For now here's the last few bits I have.

Just some heads, working on ideas of hair styles, I really like, well all of them. I've found since I've started to show my doodles and work I've become rather motherly and protective of them, I don't want to say I like any one more than the others as I love all my drawing children and don't want them growing up with mother issues...

Owlies pretty self explanatory, they are owls...I have an idea for these guys, something along the lines of owlie news, with little illustrations of the owls depicting news stories. We'll see if it comes to fruition. 

And some other doodles, Balloony June, her hands are balloons and can blow up to bigger sizes and can explode, don't really know what I was thinking about when I made her, all I know is there is actually nothing more terrifying than a balloon popping, so she'd make one heck of a super villain...Anyway, there's also a shrunken head, she's pretty isn't she? She shouldn't be, but she is.

You know considering I started this post with the awareness of decreasing time, its turned out to be one of the wordiest posts I've written, not that much has actually been said.


Tuesday, 22 January 2013

What is Wensdi? - Tuesday

Well I got my electricity bill this morning and its freezing, my hands are numb and it hurts to type but I daren't put the heating on, damn you electric company and your extortionate prices! 
I'm going to be spending today doing mostly Illustration work for my children's illustration portfolio and possibly watching revenge or doing everything I can to not watch revenge as it is such a huge distraction!

 Anyway here's some pretty drawings from my sketchbook I've yet to show you. 

Enjoy my dearies.

This is how I feel but without all the nice lovely warm snuggly layers :'(

Monday, 21 January 2013

What is Wensdi? - Monday Moooooonday

Sooooooooooo, I have been a rubbish blogger, I hardly did anything on here last week, but that's only because I've been uber busy procrastinating. Anyway, I have actually been drawing I've become increasingly obsessed with drawing round women in garish patterns, basically if these clothes existed I WOULD wear them.

 I think blue girlie here is my favourite I would love her hair and whole outfit! Yeah I have taste and style...


Tuesday, 15 January 2013

What is Wensdi? - It's been snowing ?

Not that there has been much evidence of it here in Preston! Just rain, lots and lots of rain, so here's a snowy scene to make up for it.

What is Wensdi? Tuesday

So it happened again, open my laptop this morning all bleary eyed from not having the best nights sleep and what does my laptop choose to sing to me I quote "old red eyes is back" Thank you laptop, thank you, and thank you too Paul. 

Monday, 14 January 2013

What is Wensdi? - Monday, Monday.

So, have you all been waiting to see what I have in store for you today? It's exciting waiting for something isn't it?! 

NO! No it isn't, I hate surprises and I hate anticipation, so I will delay you no longer.  

I would like to Introduce Egor :D.

He's Russian and likes collecting dead animals they're the only things that really talk to him these days, ever since he was let out of 'St. Margaret's home of the lost minds' where he learned he would be happier and safer if he just avoided as many people as possible.

I want to just say something totally unrelated to this post, This morning I opened my laptop and Kenny Rogers starts singing "Ruby, don't take your love to town" to me. It was quite nice being serenaded by my laptop first thing in the morning, however I don't like it's choice of song, as I am now worried that my laptop thinks I am going out to have fun with other laptops and it may plan to kill me so I don't leave it....

Or its warning me that, that's what my old laptop is thinking as I haven't actually turned my old laptop on since I got this one for Christmas. Hmm, anyway hope you all enjoy EGOR!

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Umm, a little late maybe?

I wasn't going to post anything today, but these lil guys make me laugh and I won't have the chance to show them till the end of this year if I wait any longer. So here's a silly idea I had for a Christmas card design. 

Friday, 11 January 2013

What is Wensdi? - My day Fridays

Until I can decide what to do on Friday's they will continue to just be 'My Days', meaning I'll put up whatever I damn well please! Today it's Mr Narwhal, I'm sure we'll see more of him soon.

Hi Mr.Narwhal, I'm not a star just yet but I thought I'd greet you since I don't imagine the stars will talk back... unless only narwhals can hear stars, in which case forgive me my ignorance. <3

Thursday, 10 January 2013

What is Wensdi? - Fashion Girl Thursdays!

Welcome Back! So What treats do I have in store for you on Thursdays? Well the title gives it away somewhat doesn't it. Although she doesn't always have the best advice to give....

Come back next weeks for more fashion advice! You surely can't live without it...

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Happy, smiley, awesome, goodness, YAY!

Oma nom ma nom! You said bad words!

Sometimes it's the only thing you can say.

What is Wensdi? - Wednesdays!!!

Hello one and all and welcome to my blog. Visit weekly every Wednesday to see new stuff from my sketchbook and other random shizz. Upcoming posts will include 'Why men SHOULD buy tampons!' As well as things that need extra special love such as dancing panda bears and lonely Russian Zombies.

For today some sketchbook doodles. I'm not liking the cold, but I'm loving the excuse for awesome jumpers and hats. 

Don't forget to visit next week for What is Wensdi Wednesday's!